Image, not mine (copyright to the original owner and post)
It's been so long since my last post! As they say, new year, new me😄 LOL!!! hopefully. Many things have happened since then (my late post✌️). There's Covid and the "stay at home" policy worldwide. It's been 4 years of Covid19 pandemic and until now. We're still suffering from it. Tomorrow is the last day of January. I thought, somehow, I could make a difference. I've started (again😊) my new year's resolution for this year. I'll try again and again✌️
1. Be more prayerful
2. Save some money
3. Don't spend money on school supplies such as art materials, decorations, student projects, classroom displays, etc.
4. Read books or listen to Podcast about the following:
- Financial Literacy
- Personal Growth
- Self-worth
- Self-motivation
- Teaching and Learning
- Anger and Stress Management
- Mental Health
- Social Relationships
- Psychology
- English Communication (Speaking & Writing)
5. Make more time for family on weekends and holidays
6. Do the household chores with my family
7. Tutor my kids
8. Learn new skills
9. Search for income-generating projects or online jobs
10. Stay away from toxic people, no need to react anytime that I'm offended, pause, keep silent, avoid them, or walk away 🤓
11. Time Management
12. Financial Management
13. No school work at home (I'm not a slave 😂) focus on my family and myself
14. Make time to relax, rest and sleep🙃
15. Exercise, go to the gym, and lose weight😅
Whew! There are so many things to do😳😅. I've come to realize that I'm getting old and I need to really be mindful of my mental health 😭. Sometimes, I ask myself, is it worth it to be a workaholic and spend money on things that the school should provide? is it worth my time, effort, and money? Nah! and so I changed. I've been working for 9 years😳. So far, no recognition, no certificate, and nada😆😂
Let me tell you a story of this co-teacher of mine. She's been working for 2 years at our school, and needless to say, she still needs guidance on teaching. I was shocked to know that she was awarded as the "most punctual and perfect attendance" in our department. To be honest, I'm the first one to arrive at school (6AM?😆). I believe that she got Covid in 2021, which means to say that she was absent for a week, and I hadn't. In my nine (9) years, I have never been given anything yet to compensate and motivate me (at least!) for the serious things that I do for work. I mean seriously! When some teachers come to school, they either gossip with co-teachers or use their mobile for Tiktok, Youtube, Netflix, and the list goes on... Plus, I spent money on things that make my classroom more appealing, refreshing, and welcoming. It's because I'm a homeroom teacher. I feel responsible for the classroom environment. Getting to work at 6AM and going home at 5PM. Our official time is from 7:30AM-5PM.
Last week, it was our Sports Day. I was in-charged of the opening dance number with the color guards. I taught about 26 students from Grades 4-6. Without the costume, it will look dull and ordinary. The school announced that we must not tell the parents or students to buy any costumes. So, I thought that the school had a budget for Sports day. I supposed there is, like the other years. It's 350 Thb😂 out of my pocket and says bye thank you for being such a fool! (foolish me)😅🤣😂 The costume is for 26 students, made from metallic paper.
Again, experience is the best and yet cruelest teacher. I've learned from my saddest lesson. It's very disappointing. This is epic. I have to endure for seven (7) long years before I finally wave goodbye. You might think that I'm stupid for staying in this school for 9 years and waiting for another 7 years (ikr😳) if I feel that I'm not being valued or the workplace is toxic. I'm staying for the sake of my own children who are currently studying there, and it's all because of the discounted tuition fees. It's the only reason why I stay despite the stress, pressure, and overwork but less pay. By the way, I'm receiving the same salary as those new teachers without experience, and skills.
Then, I need to save up some more money for my family. I'm financing my eldest who is now in College (incoming 2nd year). It's too pricy to send children to school here in Thailand. As I've said I need more income-generating projects, online jobs, or other sources of income because the kids are growing up, and I have to support my one and only nephew (he's an orphan). I have no other choice and I'm willing to raise him if no one else can.
I feel the need to relax and I wanna make sure I have time for it on weekends. My favorite day is Saturday. I usually go for a massage right after my tutorial job. It's very refreshing. It's my reward for working so hard from Monday to Saturday. And by relaxing, I also meant reading good books and listening to podcasts that are very interesting. I also hope while doing these, I'm exercising at the gym or in my room.
Most importantly, I must have more time with my three growing young ladies to see a movie, shop, dine out, swim, and a lot more. We haven't been out of town lately. I hope we could go somewhere we haven't visited yet to create more memories together.
Finally, I pray that the Lord grants these resolutions and that I become a better person today than yesterday. May He guide me for the plans that I set this year and if these aren't aligned with God's plan for me, I should be humble, accept, and still be thankful for whatever I have in my life because everything has a reason. God knows best, and His plans are perfect.